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Mom of Gwyn https://www.allbreedpedigree.com/index.php?query_type=horse&h=BLACKROOTS+STONEWALL+GWYNYVYR&g=5&cellpadding=0&small_font=1&l=

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Guemes Mountain Trail May 14

This past week was promising nice weather so I planned a trip to Guemes Island on May 14. Eric was working so it was just me and the kiddo (and with several people constantly notified of our whereabouts and travel plans). To get to Guemes Island you have to take a small little ferry from Anacortes.  photo DSC_0004_606edit.jpg

May 12 2014 Lord Hill

Once again, hiking took a back burner as I got a new job with baby and trying to ride plus trying to get housework done on weekends and a weekly gaming night... well, you get the picture. I'm back to being home with the kiddo, and with the weather getting nicer I decided to start hiking during the week if possible. On monday, I decided on a spur of the moment trip to Lord Hill. I wanted to see if the kiddo would tolerate the pack better now that she's a bit older. Plus, since she's getting heavier, hauling her around would be good for me! I've also got a fitbit now so I'm tracking my steps every day and really want to make goal. Monday was a beautiful day. The bugs were minimal in the park, which is nice because as summer goes on the bugs get TERRIBLE here.

August 18 2013 Mount Pilchuck

Hiking fell by the wayside with the kiddo but we have had a few adventures. I'll try and catch up on the backlog. Last August we decided to attempt Mount Pilchuck with the kidlet in the hiking pack. Enjoy the photos! View from the Parking Lot  photo DSC_0153.jpg
 It was a gorgeous day, as you can see!  photo DSC_0156.jpg