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Monday, December 2, 2019

Oxbow Trail Middle Fork Snoqualmie from October 6

Back at the beginning of October I had a weekend day where Eric was working a weekend and I wanted to get out with the kids. The weather was fantastic through most of October and it felt like a waste to not get the kids into nature. Since we were visiting a friend out in the Snoqualmie region, I picked something that felt pretty kid friendly for me solo parenting and was a short drive from my friend's house.
 This trail did not disappoint in the slightest! The falls colors were pretty near peak and the sky had just wisps of clouds. Since the last time I'd been out on the Middle Fork Snoqualmie road, they have paved it!  I was pleasantly surprised. I did park at the first lot I saw and wished I hadn't when I realized that the pit toilet was at the second lot. 

 Oxbow Loop Trail is exactly what it promises, a loop. There's very little trail that you traverse twice, which is nice mentally with little kids.

 There's also some great views along the trail!
 And little benches made from the fallen trees that the girls absolutely loved.

She didn't want to leave the river.

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