See you later!
Today was a LONG day. As you can see from the time stamp we left the house fairly early compared to other days that we've hiked, but the hike was well worth the effort. We drove up to Anacortes and got there just in time to catch the ferry we wanted. It was a shocking $45 that ended up being our ticket out to the islands, around the islands, and back again.
The ferry ride was about an hour from Anacortes to Orcas Island. The view on the drive up and the view from the ferry promised an excellent hike.
Mount Baker was impressive to see.
The Olympics were pretty good too.
Baker again.
Our Ferry.
We got off the Ferry and followed the main road all around the island until we got to the state park and our trailhead. It looks like there's some nice camping for when the weather warms up. Eric and I want to return.
We thought this was the start of the trail. But it was actually more road and more parking, plus the actual open bathroom (Thank gooooodness!)
The trail started around around Constitution Lake. There is a loop trail that goes all the way around but we opted for the mountain hike.
The lake we were hiking around had its own loop but we only walked a portion of the loop. There was a neat island that we were later able to see from above.
If you can see the rocky face in the upper right corner of the hike, that's where we ended up at one point along the trail.
Maybe this will help:
It was a cold day, but sunny and gorgeous in the forest. This particular area was much drier than other hikes we've been on. The forest floor was noticeably less green and more bare. It was still very pretty.
Eric standing by the sign before things got CRAZY steep.
So began the switchbacks. It was up up up.
Hikers that passed us, on the switchback above us.
The switchbacks got us high enough that we could see the tops of the trees.
There was some green, but there was a lack of ferns.
We soon got high enough that we started seeing snow.
We finally got to the top and saw all of the cheaters that just drove to the summit. CHEATERS AND LAZY BUMS I TELL YOU.
At the top of the mountain is an old forest service firewatch tower. You can also climb to the top of that, if over a mile up a mountain wasn't enough on your thighs. I totally did it.
At the top it was cold, windy, exposed, but UTTERLY AMAZING for views. Mount Baker featured prominently.
Down below there are the Twin Lakes, which we hiked near but didn't see directly.
That little swatch of water is Mountain Lake, that we hiked along the shore of.
It was quite an amazing spot to have lunch. A meal with a view!
Proof we made it to the top!
At the top of the fire tower there were sketches of the surrounding terrain so you could know what you were looking at. I did take pictures, but I don't consider them the best, plus I have a TON of other pictures, so I'm going to refrain from adding these. Perhaps they'll be a separate post later on.
We continued on with our descent.
The path was quite pleasant.
Remember that rocky ledge that I circled in red earlier? That's where I'm sitting.
There's that little island again!
Eric decided to be a goof.
Silly silly boy.
Nifty pinecone.
Near the end, our trail briefly touched the road leading up to the summit.
We, of course, were heading back to Mountain Lake.
Yay we made it!
The clouds might have moved in, but the lake was completely still. Made for some awesome shots.
Eric's crazy hat hair.
Exiting the park... so sad... but time to catch the ferry back home!
Sunset at the ferry landing was pretty.
It was a bit of a longer ferry ride back as we had to stop at each of the other islands along the route, but we were able to chill in one of the booths before driving home from Anacortes.
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